Mobile Banking
Bank 24/7, on your terms…
As a MAFCU member, it’s easy and convenient to bank with your smartphone. You can handle an array of transactions 24/7 – when it fits your schedule.
Transacting business has never been easier.
- Track balances, check transactions, and make transfers.
- Receive alerts so you can watch for fraud.
- And now, you can make deposits with a simple click and swipe!
Give us a call at (908) 526-8844 or stop by to open your account today.
What is Mobile Banking?
Mobile banking at Manville Area FCU is a service that allows credit union members to access their accounts and conduct financial transactions through a smartphone or tablet.
Mobile banking at MAFCU is similar to online banking, but it allows individuals to manage their accounts from a mobile device rather than a computer.
Online Banking vs Mobile Banking
One of the main differences between mobile banking and online banking is the device used to access the service. Mobile banking at a credit union is accessed through a smartphone or tablet, while online banking can be accessed through any device with internet access, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Mobile banking may offer more convenience and flexibility, as it allows individuals to manage their accounts from anywhere at any time, while online banking may offer more features and resources.
Another difference between mobile banking and online banking is the level of security offered. Mobile banking at a credit union typically uses the same security measures as online banking, such as secure login processes and encryption. However, mobile banking may offer additional security features, such as biometric login options or multi-factor authentication, to protect against unauthorized access to accounts and against fraud.
How to Enroll in Mobile Banking
To enroll in Mobile Banking, individuals must first become a member of the credit union and open an account. Credit union membership is typically open to individuals who live, work, worship, or attend school in a specific geographic area, or who belong to a specific group or organization. Credit unions may also have membership requirements based on an individual’s employment or occupation.
To Access Mobile Banking, individuals will need to enroll in the service and create a user ID and password. Credit unions typically have secure login processes and use encryption to protect against unauthorized access to accounts.
Once enrolled, individuals can log in to their account and view account balances, make payments, transfer funds, and view electronic statements. Credit union online banking may also offer additional features, such as budgeting tools, alerts, and financial education resources.