Never forget a payment!
Pay bills conveniently from MAFCU home or mobile banking. Schedule payments, avoid writing checks and waiting for it to clear.
Pay your bills anytime to anyone- using our free online Bill Pay.
Your bills are never forgotten and payments stay on track.
You can:
- make one-time payments
- set up recurring payments
- pay virtually any bill: utilities, medical, dentist, orthodontist, insurance and more
- never write a check again
- save time and postage
- use with Direct Deposit for the ultimate convenience
What is Bill Pay?
A bill pay service at a credit union is a financial service that allows Manville Area FCU members to pay their bills electronically through their credit union account. Credit unions are financial cooperatives that are owned and controlled by their members, who are also known as depositors or shareholders. Credit unions offer a range of financial products and services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, and investment options such as share certificates.
Bill pay services at credit unions are similar to those offered by traditional banks and allow individuals to pay their bills online or through a mobile app. Credit union bill pay services typically allow individuals to pay bills to any payee, including utilities, credit card companies, and other service providers. Credit union bill pay services may also allow individuals to set up automatic payments, schedule payments in advance, and view payment history.
Benefits of Bill Pay
One of the main benefits of using the bill pay service at MAFCU is the convenience it provides. Bill pay services allow individuals to pay their bills from any device with internet access, without the need to write and mail checks or visit the branch. Credit Union bill pay services may also offer faster processing times for payments and allow individuals to pay their bills more easily during times when branches are closed.
Another benefit of using the Manville Area FCU bill pay is the security it offers. Credit unions typically have robust security measures in place to protect against unauthorized access to accounts and against fraud. Credit union bill pay services may also offer additional security features, such as multi-factor authentication or biometric login options.
In summary, bill payer at MAFCU is a financial service that allows credit union members to pay their bills electronically through their credit union account. Credit union bill pay services offer convenience and security, and may also offer additional features such as alerts and budgeting tools. To use a bill pay service at MAFCU, individuals must first become a member of the credit union and enroll in the service.
To use Bill Pay
To use a bill pay, individuals must first become a member of the credit union and open an account. Credit union membership is typically open to individuals who live, work, worship, or attend school in a specific geographic area, or who belong to a specific group or organization. Credit unions may also have membership requirements based on an individual’s employment or occupation.
To access the bill pay, individuals will need to enroll in the service and create a user ID and password. Credit unions typically have secure login processes and use encryption to protect against unauthorized access to accounts.
Once enrolled, individuals can log in to their account and add payees, schedule payments, and view payment history. Credit union bill pay services may also offer additional features, such as alerts and budgeting tools.